Automation and AI Assessment & Advisory

Unlock the full potential of your businesses. Get a blueprint for success with our advisory & strategy services.

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Looking for our end-to-end services?

You can start with assessment-only projects or take a look at our full services across assessment, implementation, and maintenance & adoption.


Ready, set, automate

For those looking to have a clear understanding of where they are and a plan on where to go next, our assessment-only projects are the perfect place to start.

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Future-proof your operations

Comprehensive analysis

Our deep-dive assessments, from Tool & Tech Stack Audits to Change Management Analysis, illuminate the path for precise and strategic automation & AI usage across your teams.

Tailored roadmaps

Delivering more than just insights, we provide a detailed Automation Roadmap, pinpointing key workflows and paving the way for focused improvements and actionable results.

From transformations to transactions

Whether you're looking to level up your business or get involved in a new one, our strategy services help assess where things are at and where they can go next.

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Align technology with
your ambitions

Insights that matter

Go beyond automation with strategies that transform your business landscape. We deliver the vision and execution, ensuring you stay ahead.

Clear action plans

Every move calculated, every outcome optimized. Our strategies are not just plans but blueprints for your sustained success and agility in the marketplace.

Catalyze change

Embrace change with confidence. Our strategic guidance helps you navigate new waters, fostering a culture of innovation and continual improvement.

Due diligence for decisions

Our Readiness Assessment provides critical insights needed to navigate digital transformations and transactions efficiently for informed decision-making in M&A scenarios and beyond.

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Your essential toolkit with workbooks and templates for choosing the right software.


You’ve got questions,
we’ve got answers

I've heard of Digital Operations but can you break it down for me?

Digital Operations is the art + science of enhancing an organization's efficiency by integrating digital tools and processes such as automation, AI, and modern software.

It's about designing systems from the ground up to optimize operations across all departments with a digital-first, automation-first approach.

Who is Automation Readiness Assessment meant for?

Our Automation Readiness Assessment is designed for organizations and leaders poised at the forefront of transformations and transactions.

It serves as a foundational tool for gaining insights into your current operational status and identifying clear pathways to leverage automation, AI, advanced tools, robust data infrastructure, and optimized workflows.

It is ideally suited for:
• M&A Due Diligence: Ensuring thorough integration and evaluation of automation potentials during mergers and acquisitions.
• SMBs: Small and medium-sized businesses looking to scale operations and enhance efficiency through automation.
• Main Street Businesses: Local businesses seeking to improve customer experience and operational workflows with digital tools.
• Professional Service Firms: Firms in law, accounting, consulting, digital agencies, and beyond aiming to streamline processes and data management.

I'm buying a business and would like to assess the target company's current automation readiness. Can you help?

We are very familiar with due diligence processes and the importance of delivering a clear assessment and recommendations in a compressed timeframe. Our Automation Readiness Assessment is usually the right service for this need, but please get in touch as we'd love to learn more about your specific needs so we can support.

Strategy is great but what about implementing it all?

Well, that's where our Automation-as-a-Service offering comes in.

What if I need a more customized plan?

Over 90% of our clients are on one of the above plans but we're more than happy to discuss a more custom offering for teams with larger or more unique needs. Reach out anytime by email or book a Zoom consultation here.

What access do you need to successfully complete a strategy engagement?

It depends on the application but to ensure a high level of security, we'll typically require an administrative account that we then use to securely analyze your infrastructure's potential. We can support you in setting this up together.

Do you work async or synchronous?

We often use Loom to provide video walkthroughs to save time in meetings but we set a cadence together based on your preferences in our kickoff.